Star Wars Episode VII will see the return of Emperor Palpatine.
It’s been a subject of rumor that certain villains would return for the seventh episode of Star Wars, as previously reported by The Inquisitr , but until now we didn’t know the details of exactly how that would happen.
Emperor Palpatine will be returning in Star Wars Episode VII, but not as a clone. Yes, recent canon written by Timothy Zahn and others would support the idea of cloning as the reason for the return of any major characters we’ve seen die, but this time the appearance is something we saw back in Episode VI. He will be a Force ghost.
In the series canon by the above mentioned author, Mara Jade had been haunted by the memory of Emperor Palpatine, but it was mostly mistaken for a mental condition. If you’re wondering who Mara Jade is, she was the other human woman in Jabba’s Palace in Return Of The Jedi, and has a major role in Luke Skywalker’s life from the moment she returns. It is doubtful that the “Emperor’s Hand” will be in the new J.J. Abrams Star Wars films including Star Wars Episode VII , but we can’t know until we see it.
As we had seen at the end of Return Of The Jedi, it is possible for those who practice with the Force to return as Force ghosts, and even those who turned to the Dark Side are not immune to this rule.
To what level Emperor Palpatine will be returning remains to be seen, but actor Ian McDiarmid confirmed that he would be in the upcoming film, meaning he may be manipulating the new main villain behind the scenes, much like he did in Episode One.
Seeing as Star Wars Episode VII will not be taking its story from any comic books or novels, who the main villain is remains to be seen, but we can assume for now that whoever it is will be taking advice from the Sith Force ghost of Emperor Palpatine.
What do you think of Emperor Palpatine returning in Star Wars Episode VII?