With a sexting scandal currently eating away at Anthony Weiner’s ability to win the New York mayoral race, De Blasio is taking over.
Bill De Blasio is now leading the New York mayoral race among democrats who are likely to vote. The latest Quiniipiac Poll shows that De Blasio is in the lead with 30 percent of the vote followed Christine Quinn with 24 percent, Bill Thompson at 22 percent, and good ol’ Anthony Weiner with just 10 percent of the vote in fourth place.
Only a week ago, Weiner had 16 percent of the vote showing just how badly he is currently failing. A video showing him insulting his staff members and pretending to be british probably did not help things alone. Of course stories about Anthony Weiner’s online sexting friend appearing in a Porn Hub video did not help matters either.
De Blasio was behind most of the other candidates including Weiner only a few weeks ago, just prior to Weiner admitting to another sexting incident. People loved the underdog story surrounding Weiner when he decided to run for mayor but they simply couldn’t support him anymore once he continued to send pictures to numerous women around the US.
Many are attributing this recent gain for De Blasio to his blatant disapproval of New York’s stop and frisk policy which was denounced in court this week.
Political consultant Geoerge Artz told the New York Post :
Obviously people like an underdog and they feel that he’s a person that is worth a second look, especially with Weiner continuing to plummet…I think the volatility in the race started with Weiner’s last revelation so with Weiner in the race he wasn’t doing well. But with Weiner dropping he’s picking up tremendously. And he’s also an outer-borough candidate coming out of Brooklyn so there’s a lot of people who feel that resonates in the outer boroughs, which was Weiner’s strength.