Benghazi Missiles Stolen By Al Qaeda From CIA Annex Claims Whistleblowers

Benghazi missiles were stolen from the CIA annex during the September Benghazi attacks and Benghazi whistleblowers are claiming these 400 Benghazi surface to air missiles are now in the hands of Al Qaeda.

As previously reported by The Inquisitr, the revelation of the Benghazi missiles at the CIA annex came about after reports surfaced that the CIA was holding back a Benghazi bombshell. Libyan militia leader Ahmed Khattalah was charged for the Benghazi attacks for the first time recently, as well.

The Benghazi bombshell reports alleged the CIA was, or is, funneling missiles to Syrian rebels. The Benghazi consulate also had a CIA annex containing 20 or 21 CIA agents rescued after the attacks. Charlene Lamb confirmed the existence of the CIA annex in her testimony even though the Benghazi investigation officials immediately required this discovery to be stricken from the record. The CIA annex was allegedly operating in Benghazi to move the missiles out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels via Turkey. Slain Ambassador Steven was supposedly at Benghazi to prevent these 400 Benghazi missiles from finding their way into the hands of terrorists.

Former US attorney Joe DiGenova is representing the Benghazi whistleblowers and he says they are claiming 400 Benghazi missiles were stolen at the time of the Benghazi attack. DiGenova says he’s uncertain whether the Benghazi missiles were stored at the CIA annex, but he says “it is clear that the [CIA] annex was somehow involved in the process of the distribution of those missiles.”

These Benghazi missiles includes MANPADS [man-portable air defense systems] which launch SA-7 surface to air missiles. Since the time of the Benghazi attack, reports claims Syrian rebels have been spotted shooting down aircraft with SA-7 missile launchers. Worse, DiGenova claims the Benghazi missiles are now in the hands of Al Qaeda.

DiGenova claims the Obama administration is concerned these Benghazi missiles might be used to shoot down airliners. DiGenova says the stolen Benghazi missiles are why 19 other Middle East embassies were shut down last week.

How do you think the United States should respond to the Benghazi missiles being stolen by Al Qaeda?

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