Pat Robertson is spewing his own personal brand of religion once again. On his newest 700 Club appearance, Robertson warns that US Secretary of State John Kerry must not be successful in pushing for a Mideast peace plan that includes land sacrifices.
Robertson issued the warning while demanding that Israel not pull out of territories it gained during a 1967 war.
Kerry is proposing that Israel give back much of the land it took from the Six-Day War. That territory includes East Jerusalem, the location of many religious sites for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
In his talk, Pat Robertson says God has spoken to him:
“I think this is headed for disaster for the United States. God says, ‘They divided my land.’ There is something about dividing God’s land, he said, ‘This is my land, I gave it to Abraham and his descendants and I don’t want it taken away from them and Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.’”
Robertson then furthers his claim:
“For the United States to get into a deal where they’re trying to split Jerusalem and take it away from the Israelis and split up their capital — huge mistake. You are asking for the wrath of Almighty God to fall on this nation and when it falls it won’t be fun, it won’t be fun.
While he doesn’t explain how he tells his viewers to “restrain” American leaders so they can not pursue “this course of folly.”
If the plan moves forward, Pat Robertson believes it will “result in terrible suffering for people in the United States.”
Pat Robertson says we can look at natural disasters that occur in the United States following the country’s various interventions between Israel and Pakistan.
Do you think God will spite the United States if country officials help split up Israel?