Chinese Man Refuses To Move Out Of Home, Builder Surrounds His Home With A Moat

Chinese housing developers who have been in dispute with a stubborn man who has so far refused to move out to make way for a luxury housing complex have surrounded his home with a moat, trapping him on an island with his abode.

Zhuang Longdi has been in a legal dispute with the property developers for 10 years, and they have been trying to force the 75-year-old out of his home in Panyang village, Jiangsu province, which is located in eastern China.

Lu Han, a spokeswoman for the property firm confirmed that they took this drastic action for aesthetic reasons. She stated, “His house is a mess, we had complaints, so we made it into an island to make it more pleasant to look at. All the other villagers sold up and left, but he decided to stay and we had to do something.”

WhenZhuang and his family want to leave their house to visit their friends, do their grocery shopping, or just to have a nice stroll and enjoy the Chinese sunshine, they must first swim through water that comes up to their waist.

However, the developer’s actions might have finally convinced Zhuang to leave his family home forever, but not because of the moat, it’s due to the fact that the new complex has made him ashamed of his “shabby” house.

Zhaung has so far battled against the increasing pressure of the housing developers for close to a decade, refused every substantial amount of money that they’ve offered to him, which has steadily increased over time, and now a moat, but he can’t handle the bruising his pride is currently taking.

Zhuang stated, “The worst thing is there are all these high-grade villas everywhere, but I am still living in this shabby house, and I am ashamed. I am now talking again about a move.”

What do you think of Zhuang Longdi’s house?

[Image via Andrew Roland/Shutterstock]

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