Will Danica Patrick bare all for the ESPN Body Issue? Well, yes, maybe, but not anytime soon.
Danica, one of the hottest names in motorsport, may be a daredevil on the track, but she’s not all that courageous when it comes to showing the world what she’s really got to offer.
It’s not as if she was never asked. The people responsible for producing the ESPN Body Issue ask her every year. So far, she has always declined: “I just never felt like that was something I needed or wanted to do.”
Some people wonder what the big deal is? They question if there’s such a big difference between wearing an itsy-bitsy bikini, or not wearing one. After all, today’s swimwear doesn’t leave that much to the imagination.
But Danica is adamant. She says:
“There’s a difference to me between going to the beach and wearing a swimming suit and going to the beach and wearing nothing or paint, She added “That’s just pushing the limit a little bit… There’s already enough stuff that I do that pushes that. So, I’d rather stay in my full comfort zone than go that far.”
But, don’t lose hope, because she also said:”I’m not saying there will never be a day.”
In this battle of wills, her fans can only pray that the guys at ESPN don’t stop asking. And, as Danica stated at a recent news conference: “I might change my mind one year.” However, she also added: ” But just not right now.”
Can you hold your breath long enough for the day when Danica Patrick will be the front of an ESPN Body Issue? Let us know how long you can hold out by commenting below.