Matt Damon Attends College Orientation

Published on: July 11, 2013 at 9:04 AM

Parents and students attending a college orientation session this week were thrilled to find Matt Damon attending the same event.

As orientation members showed up at the University of Nebraska they noticed a name tag that said “M. Damon,” but they had no idea it was the very same A-List star.

School spokesman Steve Smith tells Yahoo’s OMG:

“A man wrote ‘ M. Damon ‘ on his name tag and our folks over at the orientation thought, ‘Oh ha ha,’ but we were surprised to learn it actually was Matt Damon.”

Damon wasn’t attempting to study up for a new role, and, after dropping out of Harvard two decades ago, he also wasn’t attempting to go back to school.

According to Smith, the A-list actor was accompanying a college freshmen. Apparently, Damon is the teen’s uncle, and he was just being supportive.

Matt Damon had no problem taking some time to pose for photographs. UNL junior Cory Foland shared a few photos he took with Damon (pictured below).

Damon spoke with fans for a few minutes and explained his relationship to the incoming freshmen student.

Smith says Matt Damon spent most of the day with other adults who were told about various university programs, the school’s overall environment, and its culture. Parents and guardians were orientated separately while the students were attending other events.

Orientation ran from 8 am to 3 pm, but school officials couldn’t confirm if Matt Damon stayed for the entire orientation.

The best part? School officials say Matt Damon wasn’t traveling with any type of A-List entourage; instead, it was just him and his nephew.

Perhaps Damon was just preparing for the future; after all, he has three young girls of his own with wife Luciana Barroso, and he’s the stepfather to Barroso’s teenage daughter.

Are you impressed with Matt Damon’s willingness to take his nephew to college orientation?

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