Missouri Governor Jay Nixon vetoed a bill on Friday that would have nullified federal gun laws and put reporters in jail if they disclosed the names of gun owners.
The bill in question would have made it a crime in Missouri for federal agents to enforce federal gun laws. Nixon, a Democrat, explained that the bill would have violated the supremacy clause of the US Constitution.
the supremacy clause gives preference to federal laws over conflicting states ones. Governor Nixon added that the bill would have infringed on the First Amendments of free speech and press. He explained in a written statement:
“Under this bill, newspaper editors around the state that annually publish photos of proud young Missourians who harvest their first turkey or deer could be charged with a crime.”
The gun bill was passed by the state’s Republican-led legislatures. While some supporters asserted it was one of the most gun-friendly laws ever passed by a state legislature, Nixon disagreed.
But Nixon’s veto doesn’t mean the bill is completely dead. Legislators will likely try to override the veto in September. In order to do so, they would need a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate . It is unclear if the bill would have that much support to override Governor Nixon’s veto.
The gun bill also saought to invalidate some federal laws, including a 1934 one that imposed a tax on transferring silencers and machine guns. It would also have made it a misdemeanor for a federal agent to enforce a gun regulation that would “infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms.”
Other provisions also would have allowed school teachers and administrators who have a concealed-carry permit and special training to be a “school protection officer.” The designation would give them the ability to carry a concealed weapon into schools. it also would have lowered the age requirement for a concealed-carry permit from 21 to 19.
Do you think Governor Nixon should have vetoed the gun bill, or should he have allowed it to go through into law?
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