8 Clear Signs That Prove 'Sister Wives' Star Robyn Brown Is Highly Egoistic

8 Clear Signs That Prove 'Sister Wives' Star Robyn Brown Is Highly Egoistic
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @sisterwivestlc

Sister Wives: Here Are 8 Signs That Robyn Brown Has a Huge Ego

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Frederick M. Brown
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Frederick M. Brown


Unveiling the surprising side of Sister Wives star Robyn Brown! Thought to be the quiet one, Robyn's actions speak louder than words. From fat-shaming her co-wives to subtly humiliating Meri Brown, it's clear she's not all sweetness. She even steered Kody Brown towards monogamy after championing polygamy for years! Robyn took over Sister Wife’s Closet, lived lavishly while others struggled, and may have faked her niceness. A closer look at her character reveals her lack of empathy towards fellow Sister Wives. Robyn's not the ultimate polygamist she portrayed; instead, she strategically became Kody's exclusive partner. Let's go through these 8 signs that confirm that Robyn Brown has a huge ego.

1. Robyn Fat-Shamed The Other Wives

Image Source: YouTube| TLC
Image Source: YouTube| TLC


Sister Wives Robyn, often portrayed as meek, shocked viewers by body-shaming ex-wives Meri, Janelle Brown, and Christine Brown in a rare departure from her passive-aggressive tactics. Her comments, aired in 2023, unveiled a different side of Robyn. Criticizing weight gain, she even commented on physical appearance and marital issues saying, “Relationships are hard. Get your butt in there and work it out,” showing that Meri, Janelle, and Christine didn’t stay in shape for Kody. The revelation prompts speculation if Robyn's cruel words influenced the post-Kody weight loss journeys of Janelle, Christine, and Meri, who are thriving and embracing life after polygamy, as per OK! Magazine.

2. Robyn Always Humiliates Meri

Image Source: GettyImages| Photo by Ethan Miller
Image Source: GettyImages| Photo by Ethan Miller

Kody's disrespect towards Meri has been evident in many incidents, such as the "barndominium" comment and Coyote Pass property division. However, Robyn, the fourth wife, appears to outshine Kody in humiliation. While the patriarch has been openly offensive, Robyn's indirect jabs and sly remarks, like commenting on Kody giving Meri smores at a BBQ, showcase a different form of mistreatment. Her lack of intervention when Kody melted his ring, knowing its impact on Meri, suggests a disingenuous concern. In the intricate web of polygamous relationships, Robyn's actions portray her as someone who fakes saintliness while contributing to the emotional distress of her fellow Sister Wife, Meri, as per Soap Dirt.

3. Robyn Manipulated Kody Into Monogamy

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Gabe Ginsberg
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Gabe Ginsberg

Unbeknownst to Kody, Robyn subtly steered him towards monogamy despite outwardly championing polygamy over the past decade. Initially attracted to Kody for his commitment to plural marriage, Robyn shed tears over the departure of his other wives, suggesting a deep connection to the polygamous lifestyle. However, her actions contradicted this apparent concern, showing little empathy for the reasons behind Christine, Janelle, and Meri leaving. In the process, Robyn seamlessly filled the void they left, eventually exposing her true intentions, as per Screen Rant.

4. Robyn Took Over Sisterwife’s Closet

Image Source: (L) Instagram | @robyn_browns_nest; (R) Getty Images | Photo By Gabe Ginsberg
Image Source: (L) Instagram | @robyn_browns_nest; (R) Getty Images | Photo By Gabe Ginsberg

In the ideal concept of polygamy, all wedded wives should contribute equally to a united family. Contrary to this, Robyn, leveraging her status as Kody's favorite, took control where equality was intended. This is evident in the case of Sisterwife’s Closet, the Brown family business designed for collaborative management by Kody’s four wives. However, Robyn gradually assumed sole ownership, encouraging other Sister Wives to pursue individual endeavors. Unfortunately, her lack of business expertise, unlike Janelle or Christine, resulted in the closure of Sisterwife’s Closet, In Touch Weekly.

5. Robyn Lives Like A Queen While Janelle Goes Without

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Ethan Miller
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Ethan Miller


Polygamy is ideally founded on responsibility and mutual love, but in the Sister Wives' dynamic, Robyn's behavior deviates from these principles. Robyn displayed a lack of concern for her fellow Sister Wives and their living conditions. Rather than fostering unity, she isolated Kody from his other wives. While living like a queen in her own house, Robyn disregarded Janelle's lack of a proper home and never extended an invitation for Meri to be part of her residence. Beyond exclusive romantic involvement, Robyn derived financial benefits from her relationship with Kody, indulging in expensive purchases, as per Screen Rant.

6. Robyn Fakes Her Niceness

Image Source: TLC
Image Source: TLC


While Robyn portrays a caring attitude toward her family and polygamous lifestyle, certain circumstances suggest a façade to appear saintly. In 2010, when she married Kody, Robyn impressed viewers with her apparent respect for other wives and a subservient demeanor. However, this image contradicted her sentiments, as she made sly remarks and disrespected fellow wives by deeming them less than ideal for Kody. From discussing their looks to openly expressing her reluctance about Kody bringing in another wife, Robyn's actions revealed a lack of authentic niceness as before.

7. Robyn Didn’t Care About Christine’s Jealousy

Image Source: TLC
Image Source: TLC


Polygamy hinges on mutual care and understanding, but Robyn's actions in Sister Wives suggest a lack of empathy towards her fellow Sister Wives. In season 1, knowing Christine was uncomfortable with Kody choosing her dress, Robyn joyfully detailed how he did, exacerbating Christine's feelings of exclusion. Robyn never tried to build a friendly bond with Christine or encourage Kody to spend extra time with her. The absence of concern and effort on Robyn's part eventually pushed Christine to seek love elsewhere, as per Screen Rant.

8. Robyn Pretended To Be The Ultimate Polygamist

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Marcel Thomas
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Marcel Thomas


Robyn projected herself as the foremost advocate of polygamy within her family, consistently discussing it as her ideal living condition on Sister Wives. Her efforts to portray herself as the ultimate polygamist aimed to convince Kody that she was more committed than her fellow Sister Wives. However, the reality differed significantly, as Robyn lacked interest in fostering a meaningful relationship with any of Kody’s partners. Her pretense continued until she eventually became Kody's exclusive partner, revealing that her advocacy for polygamy may have been more strategic than genuine.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on January 26, 2024. It has since been updated.

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