Sony just revealed a release date and price for PlayStation Move, the motion-sensing PS3 wand controller that is in no way a copy of Nintendo’s established Wii Remote no really it honestly isn’t, etc.
You’ll be able to buy PlayStation Move with a console, or with a game, or with a camera, or on its own, or with a game and camera, or hell, with your next KFC Double Down for all I know/care. And here’s what it’ll cost you, as gleaned from Eurogamer’s live feed of the Sony conference :
PS3 console + Move + camera + Sports Champions : $399.99 . Move + Sports Champions + camera: $99.99 . Standalone Move controller: $49.99 . Nunchuk, sorry, “Navigation Controller”: $29.99 .
Sports Champions is a collection of sporty minigames that is in no way a copy of Nintendo’s established Wii Sports title no really it honestly isn’t, etc. If you are intent on purchasing Move, it’ll be launching on September 19th in North America, September 15th in Europe, and on October 21st in Japan.
[Via Eurogamer ]