Next generation games are coming, and here are the nine titles I’m most excited about.
Now to start off, this is the list of games that I found most intriguing. It’s not based on any one console, as I’m taking them both under consideration for this list. It could have been more than ten, but this is based on next generation announcements, not current generation. If the game isn’t being planned for the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, it won’t be included.
This list is my opinion, and does not reflect the choices of anyone else at The Inquisitr . The list is in alphabetical order, and not in order of preference.
- Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag – I played Assassin’s Creed and Assassin’s Creed 2 , and found myself drawn into their realistic gameplay surrounding someone who kills in the name of a greater good. AC Brotherhood and Revelations were a let-down due to the fact that I could never get more than halfway through without getting stuck playing a minigame over and over, and AC3 just never really impressed me enough to try it. The idea of playing on the open sea sounds like a fresh approach, and an escape from the land-heavy parkour that the games have depended on so heavily thus far.
- Destiny – I will admit that I’m tired of Halo , even after just two games. However, I do respect how much ambition Bungie puts into their games, and the idea of something new, different, and even more epic just makes me wonder how cool it’s going to get.
- Infamous: Second Son – Since one of my all-time favorites, Prototype , isn’t seeing a sequel any time soon, and Batman: Arkham Origins isn’t being planned for next generation consoles, I’m going with the game that’s said to be the PlayStation equivalent of Prototype . The aspect of a superhero who didn’t really want his powers in the first place, yet ends up being a general badass, just fascinates me. It just reeks of wanton destruction as long as you can survive the consequences.
- Killer Instinct – Being the only fighting game on the next generation list, I have to include this one. Perhaps they will revamp it and make it more interesting, like they did with Mortal Kombat before they started crossing it over with DC Comics characters.
- LocoCycle – The idea of a sentient motorcycle that kills in multiple ways could be incredibly cool if they do it right. It’s too early to tell, but the concept is enough to turn my head.
- Mad Max – I repeat: Mad Max . I really hope they get this one right, because it has so much potential to be fun. Please don’t let it fall to the movie tie-in curse that so many of those games do. I want to bust some steampunk gang heads in.
- Need for Speed: Rivals – Need for Speed is the only car racing title I’ll even look at. Everything else just seems boring to me. Of course I got into the series when it was basically The Fast and The Furious in video game form, and those movies are so enjoyable every time there is a race sequence.
- Titanfall – The idea of fighting giant mechs with only what you can carry on your human body just feels like it could kick all kinds of ass. It seems like a high-tech futuristic Devil May Cry in an open world.
- Watch Dogs – Using the electronics all around you to steal money, track targets, and even just cause mayhem, all from your portable device, just sounds too cool to pass up. Yes, in the real world it would be terrifying to know someone could do that. Perhaps that’s what draws me in.
These are my nine favorite games announced for next generation consoles. What are yours?