Wii U: Ubisoft Refuses To Develop Exclusives For Now

Published on: June 13, 2013 at 11:25 AM

Ubisoft refuses to develop Wii U exclusives, for now…

In case you forgot who Ubisoft is, they are the developer behind the ultra popular Assassin’s Creed series and the upcoming Watch Dogs . Getting exclusive titles from Ubisoft would mean you’ve arrived as a console developer. Unfortunately, Nintendo hasn’t made one of those consoles. Due to the still flagging sales of the Wii U, Ubisoft refuses to make any more exclusive titles for the console.

It makes sense, in all honesty. Why commit the time and money to promoting a console that hasn’t shown any success with its own sales? It’s simply limiting your audience to do such a thing, and Ubisoft knows it.

The Wii U has a now long history of underachieving sales projections for Nintendo , and the console developer is very aware of the problem, which is why they are pushing as many first-party titles as they can at this point. After all, if Mario and Zelda can’t save the Wii U, nothing can.

Ubisoft’s opinion of the Wii U wasn’t always like this, as they were excited to make a few games for Nintendo’s console when it first launched back in the fall . In fact, they developed a Wii U exclusive called ZombiU , and it was one of the console’s top sellers. Time has passed though, and Wii U isn’t selling as well as it should, so Ubisoft has decided to wait until the sales pick up before they release any more exclusives.

Rayman Legends was originally planned as a Wii U exclusive, but Ubisoft is expanding the audience and developing the title for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as well.

If Nintendo can’t sell the Wii U with a better sales rate, we can expect to see more developers putting their Wii U games on other consoles for the sake of profit. Profits must be made if favors are to be given. It’s a simple fact of video game supply and demand.

What do you think of Ubisoft’s refusal to make any Wii U exclusives?

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