The Amanda Bynes job offer from Playboy would have severely tarnished the brands reputation had the actress chosen to accept the deal.
As we reported yesterday, the famous men’s magazine offered Bynes the opportunity to host a Playboy Radio talkshow .
The job offer arrived shortly after Amanda Bynes took off her top for a set of Instagram photos. The offer also arrived months after she flew off the rocker with a Britney Spears type meltdown.
On Tuesday Playboy Radio sent out the following tweet:
“@AmandaBynes Seriously, Amanda – we want you to co-host our afternoon show for a day. Please DM your info.”
Playboy was offering Bynes a one-day talk show host gig. If it worked out, there was the possibility that she could land a one-year contract.
As a Playboy reader for years — yes, I actually do love the articles — I would have ditched the publication the moment Bynes was associated with the brand. Playboy is not Hustler. The magazine has always been focused on selective, high-quality information with beautiful women thrown into the mix, albeit with a bit too much airbrushing.
Bynes, on the other hand, has been falling apart. The actress recently underwent a second nose job after seeing herself in awfully taken self-photographs. Her run-ins with the law are also becoming a part of her daily routine.
I rounded up a few of my buddies and asked them what they thought about the Amanda Bynes job offer. Not surprisingly, they all agreed that Playboy’s image is nothing like what Amanda Bynes has become. Guys for the most part agreed that the “read it for the articles” line is at least partly true and reverting to such a cheap gimmick would have destroyed at least part of the magazine’s image towards beauty and selective recruiting.
On the one hand, we love a comeback story, and Playboy Radio could capitalize off a return to her normal self if that ends up being the case. On the other hand, the publication could be viewed as just another road bump in a further deteriorating state for the young actress.
Do you think Amanda Bynes’ job offer from Playboy would have taken something away from the brand?