A woman found a frog in a bag of salad she bought from a grocery store, and she thinks she may have accidentally ingested part of the amphibian.
Almo Rubio bought the bag of Fresh Express Spinach and Tomatoes from her local Super Target store, but didn’t find the frog in the salad until she had almost finished the bag. Rubio had already eaten the salad for several days when she made the discovery.
She started to mix one last salad when she noticed something that felt out of place.
“It felt sticky, and slimy,” added Rubio, and upon closer inspection she said she “couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”
“I picked it up, and it ended up being a frog “, she said.
To make matters worse, the frog in the salad was missing a leg. Rubio figures she must have eaten it.
She returned the bag to Target, where the store kept it as evidence. The store would give her a full refund for the frog salad and said they planned to address the matter with Chiquita, which made the salad.
This is not the first instance of a frog being found in salad. Last year a woman in Minneola, Florida, noticed something out of place in the bag of Marketside greens she bought at Walmart.
The woman opened the bag to take a look, finding a small frog — only this one was still alive. She took a video, posted on the WFTV9 website , that showed the frog with its heart still beating, clearly alive somehow inside the sealed plastic.
On top of the Florida incident, two different UK residents found frogs in their salad in September 2012 alone — a dead one in a bag of salad from Tesco and a still living frog in a salad from Waitrose .
Chiquita said it was sorry for the frog that Rubio found in her salad.
“We take this complaint very seriously, and we are launching an investigation into what happened,” said Abbye Lakin, a Chiquita representative.
It didn’t take Rubio long to hear back from Chiquita directly. They send her an apology along with eight coupons to buy salad.
Rubio said she won’t by buying any more bags after the frog salad incident, but plans to keep the coupons as souvenirs.