A new batch of Amazing Spider-Man 2 set pics showcase Paul Giamatti as Rhino.
Of course, all of the images making the rounds are pre-CGI, which means there are quite a few elements missing from his costume. As you can tell from the image embedded below, digital artists will be charged with filling in a lot of blanks once filming has wrapped.
Regardless of how incomplete the costume might be, it’s still kind of cool to see Paul Giamatti getting into character for director Marc Webb’s highly-anticipated The Amazing Spider-Man 2 .
Although there are a few images of Giamatti as Rhino included below, the folks at Superhero Hype have a ton of set pics for you to sift through. And if those aren’t enough to satisfy your cravings for Spider-Man content, you can always swing by Fan Girl for even more images.
So what exactly is taking place in the scenes involving Rhino and Spider-Man? According to the folks at Worst Previews , a person who witnessed the sequence unfold in New York City said it “involves the Rhino on a rampage and spidey jumps onto an NYPD squad car with a bullhorn and taunts the Rhino by calling him a mechanized hippopotamus.”
Some of the set pictures also feature the web-slinger interacting with a child who is dressed up like Spider-Man. Again, hit up the aforementioned websites if you’re curious to see some intriguing behind-the-scenes photos.
As always, be sure to check Marc Webb’s Twitter page for a constant stream of behind-the-scenes photos from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 . The guy seems to understand that fans love this stuff, and he’s more than willing to feed their desire for content. More directors should take note.
Ya podemos a Rihno, bueno a Paul Giamatti antes de que lo conviertan en Rhino en el set de AMAZING SPIDERMAN 2 #cine twitter.com/StiviDeTivi/st…
— Stivi de Tivi (@StiviDeTivi) May 27, 2013
musuh spidey disini gak cuma Electro aja, tapi juga ada Rhino yang diperanin Paul Giamatti.. twitter.com/SpiderMan_Indo…
— Web Head (@SpiderMan_Indo) May 25, 2013
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , which pits the hero against Rhino and Electro, is slated to arrive in theaters across North America on May 2, 2014.