Henry Cavill Wants Superman And Batman Team-Up On Screen

Published on: May 23, 2013 at 3:05 PM

What’s better than seeing Henry Cavill as the next Superman ? Well, try two superheroes on for size up on the big screen. It doesn’t look like it’s happening anytime soon, but if it was up to Superman star Henry Cavill it certainly would be a reality.

Cavill recently spoke out during promotion for Man Of Steel about his one wish . Cavill hinted that there is a possibility of a crossover film starring the two well-known heroes in the WB universe.

Cavill weighed in saying: “I think it would be really interesting with the age-old Batman/Superman conflict, because they are two different sides of the same coin and their methods are entirely different. And I think it would actually make for an interesting story as to why, first of all, they were going head to head and how. I think that would make a great story.”

However, this doesn’t particularly mean that Cavill would share the screen with Christian Bale’s Batman, or a Batman directed by Christopher Nolan. In the past the two men have already said that they accomplished what they set out to do with the Dark Knight franchise and wouldn’t be returning.

As it is WB is slowly getting ready to possibly reboot the Batman series. Earlier in the year there was talk that actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt could possibly take on the role, but those rumors were unfounded for the time being.

When Gordon-Levitt was interviewed by Screen Rant it didn’t even seem like he was up for a spin-off , let alone the Batman role: “I don’t think [the ending of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’] is necessarily a set-up. I think it is the great ending for that trilogy.”

Would you like to see a Batman/Superman cross over film? Who do you think would be the best pick to direct? Better yet, who would be the best person to play Bruce Wayne? Sound off here.

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