Sony has announced an official name for its new PlayStation 3 motion controller that will launch this fall: PlayStation Move.
Representatives from the company are giving a demonstration of PS Move’s capabilities at the Game Developers Conference as I type , and have already revealed that Move will come in at “under $100.” The controller works in conjunction with the PlayStation Eye, so you’ll get one of those as well for your greenbacks, along with a Move-compatible game to try.
Sony has claimed that Move is “revolutionary and a step ahead of anything currently on the marketplace.” Unlike Nintendo’s Wii Remote (which has undoubtedly inspired Sony to give motion-sensing games a go), the Move system acts “not simply as a pointer, [but as] an extension of your body.”
Interesting. So far at the ongoing GDC conference, Sony has demoed games about table tennis, archery, painting, and one called “Blown Away,” in which the player must use a fan to keep floating chicks in the air and guide them into their nests. I MUST PLAY THIS.
More as I hear it!