Obie, a 7-year-old standard dachshund, is currently recovering after receiving a dog tummy tuck, last Tuesday. Obie underwent a dog tummy tuck in order to remove excess skin, after losing over 40 pounds since August.
At his heaviest, Obie tipped the scale at 77 pounds, while his stomach dragged on the ground, unable to even lick his paws. Typically, a healthy European standard dachshund is supposed to weighs in at about 16-32 pounds.
According to Obie’s official Facebook page, Biggest Loser, Doxie Edition, “Obie’s original owners were an elderly couple who’s failing health didn’t allow them to see the harm they were doing to him. No one is to blame and Obie’s supporters ask that you not try to assign any. His owners truly believed they were showing him that they loved him by feeding him.”
Since August 2013, Obie’s weight had actually dropped down to 37 pounds , with the help of a regimented diet. However due to so much extra skin, his new owner and veterinary technician, Nora Vanatta, decided to get Obie a dog tummy tuck. The dog tummy tuck actually removed 2 1/2 pounds of excess skin, according to doctors.
Obie hasn’t weighed in since his surgery last Tuesday, but his weight is assumed to be about 35 lbs, as of today. Obie still has a bit of extra weight to take off however, with Vanatta estimating his ideal weight to be in the 28-30 lb range.
Obie the standard dachshund’s weight loss journey and doggy tummy tuck story, has garnered national attention, with his Facebook page currently at over 94,000 likes. His entire weight loss and surgery is being closely followed via his Facebook page, with Obie weigh-ins scheduled for every Tuesday.
My hope is that he can be an inspiration to any person or animal trying to lose weight,” Vanatta wrote on Obie’s Facebook page. “It is so important to introduce pups and kids to a healthy lifestyle and food choices as early as possible. Prevention is the key!”
What do you think about a dog tummy tuck and Obie’s story?
Picture Via: Biggest Loser, Doxie Edition