The Today Show welcomed Priyanka Chopra Jonas to their studio on Tuesday morning for a chat about her new film The Sky is Pink . To go along with the theme, the actress chose an all-pink ensemble that made heads turn. She looked amazing, even after she had a slight mishap with a sign as she arrived for the morning show.
Chopra Jonas wowed in a white satin dress with pink flowers scattered about. It featured a slightly plunging peephole neckline that had the ability to expose her assets if she wasn’t careful. The former Quantico star paired her patterned dress with solid pink suede backless heels that had crystal straps across the top. Her hair was styled into a high bun with her bangs hanging softly around her face. She appeared to be cool and calm — that is, until a no-smoking sign unexpectedly started toppling over right in front of her as she was walking into the Today Show studio.
The video, that can be seen on the Daily Mail , shows the Bollywood actress getting out of her vehicle with a mob of paparazzi trying to snap pictures.
Right before Chopra Jonas started through the doorway, the sign got knocked over and she put her arms out to stop it from falling on her as others also tried to help out. She put her hands up to her mouth in shock when she realized what was happening before she grabbed the sign. It appears from the video that one of the paparazzi guys ran into it, which prompted the sign to fall over in front of her. He put his hand up as if to apologize and she patted his arm as she walked by.
The 37-year-old didn’t let the small mishap bother her as she continued to her destination. Chopra Jonas has been busy promoting her new film and that means she has the chance to show off her fashion sense. In a recent report by The Inquisitr , Mrs. Nick Jonas stunned Instagram with a photo of herself in a short blazer dress that showed off her toned legs.
In the Today Show interview with Hoda Kotb, Priyanka indicated how proud she is of being able to be a part of The Sky is Pink , stressing that she thinks it will bring families together. The movie is set to be released on October 11.
You can also keep track of Priyanka Chopra Jonas and her next big project, which could include babies, on her Instagram.