Somebody says “That celeb is going to rehab” and I say. . . 1. I’m not surprised and 2. There’s not a doubt in my mind that it was drugs/alcohol. Well, someone’s mixing it up a little, ’cause Kirsten Dunst just revealed on E! that her stay in the Cirque Lounge not for “alcohol abuse or drug abuse. I went there for depression.”
Elaborating on it a little, Kirsten said that “It was a good six months before I decided to go away. I was struggling, and I had the opportunity to go somewhere and take care of myself. I was fortunate to have the resources to do it. My friends and family thought it was a good idea, too. But I didn’t know where to go. My doctor recommended Cirque Lodge.”
I suppose that filming with Ryan Gosling and flouncing about in period costumes isn’t exactly what the doctor ordered (darn! really?), but having one celeb be honest and set the record straight is refreshing. Let’s hold on to that feeling; it’s a rare commodity in tinsel town.