Donald Trump & Stephen Miller Could Be Charged For Attempting To ‘Overthrow’ The Government, Attorney Says

Senior White House adviser Stephen Miller recently suggested that Donald Trump’s allies will be continuing their battle against the 2020 election results by using an “alternate slate of electors” to certify the president the winner, The Hill reported. According to attorney and author Seth Abramson, Trump and Miller could face charges for attempting to “overthrow” the government and be jailed for up to 20 years.

In a Twitter thread on Monday, Abramson pointed to United States Code Title 18 Section 2385, which deems “organizing any assembly of persons who advocate the overthrow of the government by force” as criminal. The author noted that the law makes a distinction between “force” and “violence.”

“The White House has organized fraudulent electors to block the democratically elected government from taking office,” he tweeted.

Although Miller revealed the plan on Fox News, the author believes that he was ultimately ordered to do so by Trump.

“This is an action that would have to have been taken with the direct approval of the President of the United States,” he wrote.

The attorney argued that creating a “hostile standoff” at the White House on Inauguration Day could fit the legislation’s definition of “force.”

“The act that Trump and Miller appear to have committed here — as part of a conspiracy with literally scores of others (organizing these fraudulent slates of electors and comprising these slates) is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.”

According to Abramson, the plan is a federal crime that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice would not be able to ignore.

Miller claimed that the plan would use Trump supporters as “alternate” constituents, who will travel to contested states such as Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania to submit unofficial certifications for the president. According to Miller, alternative selectors could be recognized as legitimate if the Trump campaign succeeds in overturning the outcome in battleground regions.

The majority of the Trump campaign’s legal cases involved in his claims of widespread electoral fraud have been dismissed. Democratic lawyer Marc E. Elias recently claimed on Twitter that as of Monday, Trump and his team have lost 59 court battles and won one.

The Trump campaign’s refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election has caused ridicule from some. Michigan Rep. Justin Amash called the movement “embarrassing” and “dishonorable” in a recent tweet, while author Robert Schlesinger took aim at Republicans continuing to support the purported attempts to overthrow democracy. According to Schlesinger, the GOP has moved from being opposed to the Democratic Party to being enemies of American democracy.

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