The Young and the Restless star Eric Braeden, who portrays Victor Newman on the soap, took to social media on Monday to showcase the stunning work schedule he and his co-stars undertake. The actor left viewers stunned when he described the script they film each day for the CBS daytime drama, especially as it compares with prime-time TV shows and movies.
“With EILEEN BETWEEN SCENES! BTW, we did 110 pages on Thursday and filmed another 100 pages on FRIDAY! That takes an extraordinarily disciplined group of actors & crew! For a comparison, the average film shoots ca 2-3 pages & nighttime tv between 8-12 pages!” read his Facebook post.
The words were accompanied by a beautiful photo of him and Ashley Abbott actress Eileen Davidson. The pair dressed to the nines in coordinating outfits. Davidson wore a lovely eggplant sheath dress with a sparkling neckline, and Braeden wore a fitted suit with a tie that matched Davidson’s gown.
The actor’s tweet received a lot of attention, with more than 6,200 Facebook users hitting the like button, and several hundred also took the time to leave a comment for the show’s hardworking stars. Several expressed their astonishment at how hard daytime cast and crew must work to create the daily episodes.
“Wow!! Never realized how much hard work goes into filming an episode!! You all make it look so effortless. Thanks for keeping us entertained in the midst of all this craziness!!” enthused one Facebook fan.
“Yup, that’s the difficulty, to make it look effortless while you are trying hard to remember the damned dialogue, hahahahaha!” Braeden replied .
Y&R stopped filming due to the coronavirus pandemic in mid-March, and the show ended up in reruns for much of the summer. However, it finally resumed production in mid-July. It began airing brand-new episodes in early August with protocols that keep the actors distanced during scenes and other safety precautions. Viewers have appreciated the show’s success in continuing to create new episodes while keeping everybody safe.
Many long-time viewers also commented that they loved watching scenes between Ashley and Victor, calling the one-time couple classic. A few also wondered what upcoming storylines would feature both Victor and Ashley all dressed up, and of course, many suspected it had something to do with their daughter Abby’s (Melissa Ordway) upcoming wedding to Chance (Donny Boaz).
The Inquisitr previously reported that Chance popped the question on today’s episode, and Abby made him the happiest man in the world by saying “yes.”