An NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday shows Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden with a 10-point lead over Donald Trump just two days before the election , The Hill reported.
According to the survey, Biden leads the sitting president 52 to 42 percent. Notably, he has a combined 6 percentage edge of 51 to 45 in 12 battleground states: Georgia, Florida, Iowa, Arizona, Michigan, Maine, North Carolina, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
One demographic in which Trump is leading is among white citizens without college degrees. Among this demographic, the incumbent leads his challenger by 21 percentage points. He also holds a 6-point edge among white Americans.
Across many other demographics, Biden holds a steady advantage.
“Biden currently holds an 82-point lead among Black voters in the poll, and is ahead of the U.S. leader by 28 points among voters age 18 to 34, by 23 points among senior citizens, by 20 points among women, by 15 points among white voters with college degrees and independents,” the report read.
Notably, the majority of respondents disapprove of Trump’s job performance and believe that the worst of the coronavirus pandemic has yet to come — a direct contradiction to the president’s claim that the country is rounding the corner on the crisis.
Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted the survey along with Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies, noted that “little has changed” from the other 10 polls he has conducted in 2020
Despite Biden’s apparent dominance, McInturff noted that 68 percent of respondents who say they already voted or plan to vote early voted for Biden by a margin of 61-35. But among the 28 percent of respondents who said they’re voting on Election Day, the majority supported Trump by a 61-32 margin.
“This is the most competitive election I could imagine if you’re down 10 points nationally,” he said.
As The Inquisitr reported, rumors suggested Trump planned to declare victory on Election Day before all votes are counted if he secures an early lead. He has since denied that idea, calling it a “false report.”
Still, Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt, who also helped conduct the survey, highlighted Trump’s lagging job approval, which has been a consistent factor over the course of his term. In particular, he noted that there had been 41 NBC/ Wall Street Journal polls over the course of the president’s first term that gauge Americans’ perception of his job performance.
“In those 41 polls, there was not a single poll that produced a result where more Americans approved than disapproved of his performance as president.”