Former Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler expressed his support for Donald Trump to be reelected in an Instagram post he shared with his 614,000 followers, as reported by Newsweek . He reposted an open letter that was written by pro golfer Jack Nicklaus. Shortly after Cutler posted, hundreds of Twitter users were not shy about voicing their disapproval for his opinion.
“In my opinion, he has been more diverse than any President I have seen and has tried to help people from all walks of life—equally,” Nicklaus wrote.
The golfer added that he was fairly impressed with all the work Trump has done throughout his time in office despite facing harsh comments from critics.
“I have been disappointed at what he’s had to put up with from many directions, but with that, I have seen a resolve and a determination to do the right thing for our country,” he remarked.
Cutler has backed the president confidently for many years, according to a report from ESPN . Back in 2016, he was the first Bears player to publicly express support for Trump after he defeated Hillary Clinton in the election.
Several Twitter users wasted no time throwing shade at the former NFL athlete for his beliefs. Various attacks were lobbed at Cutler regarding his personal life, as well as his career playing professional football.
“Who is that?” one person asked sarcastically on Twitter .
“That’s the same question NFL end zones have,” another user tweeted in response to the previous question, taking a jab at the quarterback’s 160 interceptions he threw throughout his career.
“Jay Cutler was sacked viciously 347 times in his years with the Bears…Those hits have taken their toll,” a third person tweeted .
In the caption of his Instagram post, Cutler noted that he has always remained confident in Trump’s policies and choices.
“Never a doubt,” he wrote, apparently expressing his approval of the contents of Nicklaus’ letter.
The former quarterback is not the only athlete who has chosen to take a stance and share his opinions regarding the upcoming election.
Multiple other athletes have taken the initiative to spread information regarding voting and the importance of each individual’s vote. Los Angeles Laker and NBA superstar LeBron James has been very outspoken about the issue as well. He recently teamed up with Barack Obama to thank all the poll workers that are volunteering their time in the midst of a global pandemic, according to a report from CNN .