Conservative super PAC The Lincoln Project has released an advertisement which shows Donald Trump Jr . endorsing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden over his father, President Donald Trump , Newsweek reported on Friday.
The ad is a parody of a video Trump Jr. released on Wednesday. In the original clip, the commander-in-chief’s son slammed Biden and his son, Hunter, alleging that they engaged in corruption with oligarchs from Ukraine, Russia and China.
The Lincoln Project’s one-minute remix makes it sound like Trump Jr. is endorsing Biden and accusing his father of using his power “to sell out the United States of America to our enemies and enrich himself.”
“I’m Donald Trump Jr. I’m the son of the President of the United States, one of the most unethical humans in political history,” he says.
“My father leveraged his political power to sell out the United States of America to our enemies and enrich himself,” he continues.
The ad concludes with Trump Jr. supposedly expressing his full support for Biden.
“We need someone who will put the interests of the American people over the interests of themselves, and that person is Vice President Joe Biden.”
In the original video, Trump Jr. accused the Bidens of being “the most corrupt political family in American history,” suggesting that the Democratic nominee’s foreign policy decisions were influenced by his family’s business dealings abroad.
His claims were largely based on a September report released by Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. The report accused Biden of using the power of his office to enrich himself and members of his family.
The controversial document also claimed that Hunter received multiple payments from the Chinese government and the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.
Trump Jr. also accused Biden of using his position to help his brother, James, build 100,000 houses in Iraq.
Although it was amplified by conservative media, Grassley and Johnson’s report did not actually provide evidence that the Bidens engaged in criminal activity, according to fact-checkers.
We fixed Don Jr.’s crazy ad.
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) October 15, 2020
The Lincoln Project has previously published similar videos. Earlier this month, they satirized a Twitter message posted by the commander-in-chief.
After leaving the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he was treated for coronavirus, Trump posted a clip endorsing Regeneron’s experimental therapy REGN-COV2.
The super PAC turned the clip into a a 1980s-style infomercial, portraying Trump as a TV salesman. The parody infomercial featured retro graphics and 1980s-style synthesizer music.