Jessa Duggar shared a sneak peek on Thursday of her daughter, Ivy Jane Seewald, spending some time in her aunt Jana’s beautiful garden. She also posted the link to the full video that she has up on YouTube for her 2.2 million Instagram followers to watch. The Counting On star filmed her two youngest kids enjoying the fresh produce that they plucked straight from the vines.
Duggar fans loved seeing Ivy Jane, 1, in action as she toddled around all over the place, along with her older brother, Henry, 3. They went exploring Jana’s huge array of vegetables and plants, but an incident occurred that had Jessa apologizing to her sister. In the video, Ivy Jane approached a gorgeous bush full of bright red flowers. Before Jessa could react, her little girl had grabbed a handful of petals. After her mom told her that she broke the flower, Ivy Jane tried to put the petals back on. She then plucked the rest of the flower and started running off the other way as Jessa decided to leave the area before any more damage could be done.
In the full video, both kids approached the pepper patch as Henry began munching on them. He apparently loves his peppers and seemingly ate quite a few of them. His little sister seemed to like them as well. However, she wasn’t a big fan of the tomatoes that she tried.
Ivy Jane first popped a cherry tomato in her mouth and then abruptly spit it out. Her expression revealed that she clearly wasn’t liking it. Jessa explained that her daughter thought it was a grape and expected it to be sweet. She also tried a green tomato thinking it was an apple and proceeded to make another sour face. She plopped that out of her mouth quickly as well.
Duggar fans loved watching Ivy Jane’s reactions to the veggies. They also thought it was sweet when she tried to fix the flowers.
“Bless her heart she tried to put the petals back!” one of her followers said.
“Omg that’s sooo cute! She’s just precious,” another person remarked.
“Her little wiggle-run though,” mentioned a third fan.
Jessa’s eldest, Spurgeon, 4, wasn’t seen in the garden when this was shot, but he did end up with a worm on his shirt. He was a little afraid that he would get “horned” by the critter.
Jessa is no stranger to sharing sweet videos such as this one. Earlier this month, she posted another cute clip featuring Spurgeon with a new hairstyle. His curly locks were slicked down after a fresh cut and he appeared to not be very amused by it all. It seems that the new ‘do didn’t last long as this recent clip showed his curls once again.