General Hospital star Sydney Mikayla took to Instagram on Sunday to share a couple of sweet snapshots from the set. The two uploads showed the teen dressed to the nines while filming scenes that aired this past week, and fans thought she looked adorable.
Viewers have been watching Sydney’s character of Trina Robinson attend the Homecoming dance with her crush Cameron Webber and friends Josslyn Jacks and Dev Cerci. She struggled to let loose and have fun due to her ongoing grief over her father Marcus Taggert’s supposed death, and General Hospital spoilers suggest that there’s even more hurt on the way.
Josslyn and Cameron will share a kiss, and Dev will see it. Whether it’s right away or sometime later, Trina is bound to learn about this and feel shattered that her friend and her crush kissed.
In the meantime, Sydney seemed to have a lot of fun filming these scenes. The 17-year-old General Hospital star noted in the caption that she was basically living through her character’s opportunity to experience the iconic high school event.
The shots showed Sydney wearing the gorgeous blue dress that Trina chose for the event. In the first photo, the General Hospital star leaned forward and seemed to be laughing.
In the second part of the post, Sydney uploaded a Boomerang-style shot. She stood in the same spot as the initial photo, but she looked toward the camera and toyed with her long hair extensions. This snapshot showed her incredible eye makeup and the shimmer of her Homecoming gown.
“You are beautiful Sydney. Keep up the good work on General Hospital ,” one fan commented.
“You were beautiful as always,” another noted.
“I love your dress make up and hair” commented a follower.
“So beautiful I loved your eyeshadow! Your makeup was so pretty,” someone else praised.
Sydney’s Instagram followers loved this pair of snapshots. Several hundred people liked them throughout the afternoon and quite a few commented as well. By the looks of things, everybody thought her Homecoming look was spectacular.
General Hospital viewers adore Sydney and love her character. Many have expressed their excitement that she’s had some juicy storylines over the past few months, and spoilers suggest there’s plenty more on the way.
Not only is Trina likely facing some hurt over the kiss her friends shared, but eventually she will surely learn that her father isn’t dead after all. In addition, General Hospital spoilers have also hinted that it may end up that Curtis Ashford, not Taggert, is actually her biological father.
Luckily, Sydney has proved that she can handle anything and everything that the writers throw her way. More of the dance will air during Monday’s episode of General Hospital , and all signs point toward big developments for Trina in the weeks ahead.