Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 22.
The Big Brother All-Stars triple eviction has come and gone with three houseguests sent out the door on Thursday. Kevin Campbell was the first to go and was followed by David Alexander and Dani Briones. The remaining players assumed a double eviction was coming and suspected a possible third, but not in the same night.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , the surprise was ruined when the production team didn’t take into account that the houseguests could see the “Triple Eviction” logo behind Julie Chen when they saw her on their TV screen.
Shortly after the two-hour episode and scramble between the competitors, a third Head of Household competition played out, and it was not viewable to live feed subscribers. According to Big Brother Daily on Twitter , Cody Calafiore is the new HOH, his third time holding the title this summer. The two-time Big Brother star won’t have to exit the HOH room as he was in the dominant position heading into the triple eviction last evening.
For now, it looks like Cody plans to nominate Christmas Abbott and Tyler Crispen, two members of his Committee alliance. Enzo Palumbo is the only competitor left who is not in the Committee, but he has two smaller alliances with Cody which will keep him safe.
Dani outed Tyler and Christmas’s final two deal during her plea speech last night, something most of the housemates seemed to already know about. There are more final two deals floating around than there are players in the game so nothing is a surprise at this point.
The Committee has felt iffy about Tyler since he tried to self-evict earlier in the season, making it easy for Cody to put him up, especially since he is a solid performer at competitions.
Last night, Tyler nabbed the second HOH and second Veto, locking in Nicole Franzel and Dani on the block, which ultimately sent the latter home. Should Tyler or Christmas win the next Veto, Cody will have a tough time deciding who to put up as he is close with the remaining players in the game. It will be time to show his cards, but whoever is the replacement will likely be a pawn, with either Christmas or Tyler definitely going home.
Christmas looks to be the bigger target and threat this week to Cody. Dani also told Nicole before she was booted that Christmas needed to be the next person evicted, and Memphis Garrett is also looking to get rid of her.