Throughout their time in the Big Brother All-Stars house, some houseguests have been questioning whether coming back to the game was the right decision for them. One player who seriously regrets the decision to come back is Kevin Campbell, who is currently sitting on the block for the fifth time this summer. Kevin was nominated in Weeks 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8 and will face another vote tomorrow night as he sits next to David Alexander on the block.
Yesterday, Kevin took some time to talk one-on-one with the cameras with none of his roommates around. Big Brother Daily documented Kevin’s comments on Twitter , where viewers have shown overwhelming agreement with some of his opinions.
“People are saying ‘this has been the most fun season ever. We are so united.’ I’m like are you kidding me? This is the most horrific season ever,” Kevin whispered.
Over 7,000 people liked the tweet documenting the comment from Big Brother Daily , making it the most liked post of the summer from the account, which posts word-for-word conversations from the live feeds. Fans began immediately agreeing with Kevin, showing disdain for this season in what many hoped was going to be one of the greatest summers in the show’s history. The people Kevin is referring to are members of The Committee alliance who have been running the game and are enjoying their returns with one another.
“This has been a terrible experience for me. I shouldn’t have come back, cause I had such a positive experience my first time. What was I thinking? I statistically was almost overwhelmingly going to have a worse experience. The odds of getting just as far are small,” he said to himself in private.
Kevin made it to the final three during his initial appearance on Big Brother 11 , never being put on the block until the very end when he was eliminated. He was the first jury member in the show’s history to never actually live in the jury house and was the first player to be evicted on finale night.
“It just doesn’t feel fun at all. It feels like ‘oh my God, can we go to bed yet?’ every night,” he added.
Kevin then went on to say this summer feels like The Hunger Games , and he was selected to be a part of some very bizarre experiment.
Luckily for Kevin, his stay on All-Stars is likely almost over as he could be voted out tomorrow evening. With a triple eviction looming, he is almost certainly heading to the jury house unless he survives the next vote and nabs the subsequent Head of Household.