Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, September 15, 2020, reveal that there will be a lot of questions and confrontations in Salem.
According to a recent report by Soap Hub , fans can expect to see Hope Brady (Kristian Alfonso) continue to mourn the loss of her only daughter, Ciara Brady Weston (Victoria Konefal). The grieving mother believes her daughter to be dead after she was kidnapped by Vincent and presumed to be in his car as it exploded.
However, upon speaking with Eve Donovan (Kassie DePaiva), it seems that Hope may be questioning whether or not Ciara was actually in the vehicle at all. This will give Hope suspicion and she will want to continue investigating the situation. If her daughter is still alive, she’ll vow to find her and get the truth once and for all.
This will likely mean finding Vincent and using any means possible to get him to talk about what really happened to Ciara and where she may be if she is indeed still alive.
It remains to be seen if Hope will share her thoughts with Ciara’s husband, Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson), who is currently in the hospital receiving treatment for injuries that he suffered during the explosion. Ben is completely heartbroken , but would go to the ends of the earth to find Ciara if he thought she may be out there.
Meanwhile, Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) will be shocked when he learns that the love of his life, Kristen DiMera (Stacy Haiduk) has been arrested.
Kristen came back to Salem knowing that she could end up behind bars as she currently has attempted murder charges hanging over her head. However, she was being careful to not be caught, which is why Brady will be so confused by her arrest.
Viewers watched on Monday as Eli Grant (Lamon Archey) betrayed his wife Lani Price’s (Sal Stowers) trust and arrested Kristen. Although Lani begged Eli not to do so, he put his job as a police officer above their relationship and brought Kristen into custody, ripping her away from her young daughter, Rachel.
Now, Eli and Lani will have it out. Lani will be furious with her husband for going behind her back, and the pair will get into a heated confrontation.
In addition, Jan Spears will be back in action on Tuesday when she meets up with Belle Black (Martha Madison) and Shawn Brady’s (Brandon Beemer) daughter, Claire. Jan will encourage Claire to open up to her, which could all be apart of a new plan to hurt Belle and Shawn.