Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 22.
Things are finally starting to heat up in the Big Brother All-Stars house. It has been a somewhat lackluster season for viewers who feel the gameplay has been safe and most of the fan-favorites have already been sent packing. As the new Head of Household (HOH), Dani Briones nominated Kevin Campbell and David Alexander for eviction. David was able to pull himself down using his Disrupter power, and Tyler Crispen was subsequently nominated.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Da’Vonne Rogers won the Power of Veto (POV) competition and has been debating what to do with her advantage for the last 24 hours. As of Sunday evening, Da’Vonne appears to be planning on using her POV to pull down Kevin, which will force Dani to put up a replacement nominee, her fourth for the week.
Dani would prefer Da’Vonne not use the POV and keep the nominations the same but understands if she decides to use it. For now, Dani is planning on putting up Ian Terry as the replacement, which will almost ensure Tyler is sent packing. The conversations in the house on Sunday were extremely scattered with houseguests discussing several scenarios for the POV, which made the plan for tomorrow quite confusing.
In a conversation with David, Da’Vonne said she was excited for the Veto meeting because she has “some other sh*” up [her] sleeve.” She then noted she was going to “milk this veto for all its worth,” according to Big Brother Daily on Twitter.
Kevin and Da’Vonne have also been working closely together to try and break up the core alliance because they know they will be the next targets should one of them not win the upcoming HOH. Da’Vonne has also toyed with members of the said alliance by suggesting she might not use it in order to make them feel safe, which would cause a major shakeup when the reveal happened. One worry she does have if that if she pulls Kevin off the block, it will make them look like a pair, and they will likely be next on the block.
In other news, a majority of the house is starting to feel weary about Christmas Abbott and Memphis Garrett for their rude behavior. The Committee is starting to realize they might not be able to trust two of their members and the group could be dissolving sooner rather than later. The Veto meeting is set to take place Monday afternoon.