Things are not easing up on the walls of the Big Brother set. The house is a part of the CBS lot in Los Angeles, and the backyard is surrounded by a tall fence, which is exposed to the outside world. So far this season, two wall yellers have been successful in feeding the houseguests information from the other side, with one incident severely impacting the game.
According to TMZ , there have been more than these two incidents and things were getting so bad that CBS had to bring in the LAPD to keep troublemakers at bay. The outlet reported there are several fans who have posted up outside the walls of the backyard, some with bullhorns, who are trying to send messages about gameplay across the fence to nearby houseguests. CBS’ own security wasn’t enough in addition to the LAPD, so CBS has allegedly hired a private security firm to take care of business.
A source told TMZ that a man attempted to climb the fence and engaged in a foot race with security, who were ultimately unsuccessful in capturing him as he got into a getaway car. Insiders have also told the outlet that most of the people who have been trying to disrupt the game are people in their 40s and not younger fans of the show.
Despite the new security on the scene, LAPD is still making rounds on the lot and has become more visible around the house in an effort to keep future wall-yellers away. There was also an alleged drone scare, which TMZ didn’t provide any further detail on.
They also mentioned the rumor going around social media that suggested someone was going to throw a banner over the walls with information on it about the game, but no one has attempted such a thing at this point in time. If someone was successful in getting something over the wall, it’s highly unlikely the houseguests would ever get their hands on it, as production is watching at all times and would likely have the contestants remain where they were until a staffer could come and confiscate it.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, two weeks ago a wall-yeller was successful in outing Nicole Franzel and Cody Calafiore, saying they were running the house and had a partnership with one another. This made their other alliance members scratch their heads and shift their loyalties, which is just what Ian Terry did with Nicole. The former winners had a final two together, but Ian soon realized Nicole was not as close to him as he believed.