Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 22.
The Sunday episode of Big Brother All-Stars saw Bayleigh Dayton and Da’Vonne Rogers put on the block by Head of Household Christmas Abbott . As previously reported by The Inquisitr , neither woman was successful in winning the Power of Veto (POV) so they are both likely to stay on the block after the Veto ceremony is completed Monday. Christmas ended up nabbing the POV, and for now, wants to keep the nominations the same. However, she is about to be propositioned by one of her friends with something she’ll never see coming.
According to Big Brother Daily on Twitter , Tyler Crispen has volunteered himself to be backdoored in order to keep Bayleigh and Da’Vonne safe this week. Tyler admitted to the two women on Sunday night that he is ready to go home and feels he should be the one evicted since both ladies still want to play the game.
“I see how badly you want to be here. I feel guilty that I don’t want to be here that bad. I was going to ask Christmas if she can use the veto on one of you and put me up. I want to go home. I owe you guys that,” he said to the women.
“I want you to stay. I’m going to ask the house. You are standing for something greater than me. I want to see that play out,” he continued.
Tyler went on to compliment Bayleigh and Da’Vonne and how strong they are, and mentioned to the latter that she has never made it as far in the game as she deserves. He also told Bayleigh he hates seeing her down and wants to do what he can to give them a better chance in the house.
“I’m going to ask Christmas if one of you can come off the block and I can go,” he said.
Bayleigh then said they should ask to have Da’Vonne to be taken down because she deserves to play the game more than anybody. Tyler continued to say that he just didn’t want to be there anymore, noting how much he missed his girlfriend, Angela Rummans.
Da’Vonne and Bayleigh then said to one another that Tyler’s actions were one of the bravest and craziest things they have ever witnessed. Then, referring to their race and gender, Bayleigh said no one cares about them. Da’Vonne agreed and said “we are the ones” who get tossed away.
Tyler has not yet approached Christmas about the offer as of Sunday night, and the only friends he has mentioned it to so far are the nominees themselves.