Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 22.
Head of Household (HOH) Christmas Abbott has put two nominees on the block. Friday saw two major events play out, the first of which was the BB Basement competition, which awarded three powers to different houseguests. Not too long after, Christmas hosted the nomination ceremony, where she put Da’Vonne Roger s and Bayleigh Dayton on the block, according to Big Brother Daily on Twitter . This appeared to be her plan from the get-go as she discussed putting up the two women shortly after winning the HOH competition on Thursday night.
When the feeds resumed after the ceremony, Christmas was spotted crying while talking to Kevin Campbell about her nominations.
“I think they will understand. You having this emotional reaction really shows that this is hard for you,” he told her as she wept.
Bayleigh and Da’Vonne spoke with Christmas shortly after being nominated, and things went a lot smoother than expected. Bayleigh told her that she wasn’t upset about being on the block, but said she thought she could trust her. Christmas then told her that she can put her on the top of her target list, to which Bayleigh replied that she wasn’t a threat to her own game.
“I do my best to not take anything personal. We will just play and it will be a fun time,” Bayleigh later said.
Da’Vonne was a little more straightforward when speaking with Christmas about the evening’s events.
“It kind of sucks. When we would talk to people, you were our untouchable. I don’t know. I wish it would have worked out different,” Da’Vonne commented.
She then reminded Christmas that the girls in the house were dwindling down, and now two more were up for eviction. Three women have been booted from the game while only one man has been so far, a trend that has been bothering viewers of the show. The ladies also have not been winning many competitions, with the males winning four out of the last five HOH’s, and five out of five Power of Vetoes.
For now, there doesn’t appear to be a clear target for Christmas or the house. Da’Vonne has performed slightly better at the competitions this year, and both have relationships with their roommates. The next few days will reveal who the players want to go the most, but it’s very possible both women stay should one of them win the POV.