Warning: This article contains spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds that have not yet made it to air.
After the fourth eviction of the season, tensions are finally brewing in the Big Brother house. So far this summer, the game has been relatively low-key as many of the roommates have banded together and have kept the gameplay rather boring.
Kaysar Ridha planted seeds in his eviction plea speech last night, noting that Dani Briones, Cody Calafiore, and Nicole Franzel were all working together and running the house, and that might have spilled over into today. According to Big Brother Daily on Twitter , a fight occurred between Dani and Bayleigh Dayton while the cameras were down for about four hours today.
There is no way to know for sure what exactly happened between the two women until the next episode airs, but it looks like Bayleigh approached Dani and told her she heard that she was coming for her. Dani wanted to know who mentioned this to her, but she wouldn’t say and the conversation only got worse after that.
Now, Dani is extremely mad, with several of the houseguests noting they want to stay away from her until she calms down, including pal Christmas Abbott.
The cameras were down for the BB Basement competition, the first time the houseguests had learned of it. Whether this new twist had anything to do with their heated argument remains to be seen.
Kevin Campbell revealed to Christmas that Bayleigh wasn’t doing well and that she was crying after their fight. Enzo Palumbo also spoke with Dani and mentioned that Bayleigh is just nervous that she’s going to go up on the block and she was “desperate,” which is why she made the comment to begin with. Dani expressed frustration with their being tension in the house now and said she can’t live like that.
The three people who told Bayleigh about Dani targeting her still have not been named on the feeds. Several players have hinted that they know who they are, but there hasn’t been any finger-pointing just yet. Nicole told Ian Terry that the three people are sweating buckets right now and are likely going to be exposed very soon.
Enzo and Ian discussed privately that they are over Dani and feel like blowing up the game. Later, Enzo spoke to Dani directly and hid his current disdain for her, saying she was one of the only people he trusts at this point.
Shortly after the feeds went down for four hours, they shut off again in the aftermath of the fight.