Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 22.
Week 4 of Big Brother All-Stars will conclude this Thursday after the live eviction plays out. Wednesday night’s episode will showcase the Power of Veto (POV) competition along with the Veto meeting which has already been completed in the house. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Kevin Campbell won the POV and was expected to pull himself down.
According to Big Brother Daily , that’s exactly what happened yesterday during the meeting. Kevin was on the block alongside Kaysar Ridha, the second time for both gentlemen. After Kevin pulled himself down, it was Head of Household (HOH) Enzo Palumbo’s responsibility to put up a replacement nominee. A handful of houseguest names was tossed around, with Enzo looking to possibly backdoor Ian Terry or Dani Briones, but he inevitably went the safe route.
Christmas Abbott nominated herself as a pawn, to ensure Kaysar’s eviction. Enzo took her up on the offer and officially nominated his friend at the Veto meeting. For now, it looks like Kaysar will end up being evicted, as Christmas has too many friends in the house and is a member of several strong alliances. Kaysar is not a member of any alliance, and while people like him as a person, they consider him one of the biggest targets that needs to be sent home.
The roommates are currently on the verge of erupting as members of the same alliances are starting to become wary of one another. This weekend’s wall yeller has also shaken up the house, as a lot of roommates are now nervous around Cody Calafiore and Nicole Franzel since they were outed during the incident. The yeller shouted that the pair were playing everyone, which has made alliance members like Ian and Tyler Crispen a little bit nervous.
Ian and Kaysar had a long talk on Tuesday, with the former admitting he’s going to miss Kaysar when he’s gone. Ian is planning to shake things up in the game dramatically should he win the next HOH. He and Kaysar discussed Dani being the most comfortable player in the game right now, and also said many of their roommates think they’re in a “core four” group, but they aren’t at all. This alliance features all men, and those who believe they are in it are Tyler, Cody, Enzo, Memphis Garrett, and David Alexander. Ian has also been moving away from Nicole (his final two partner) after the wall yeller made him nervous about her gameplay.