Marianne Williamson Slams Joe Biden’s Campaign For Having ‘No Substance And No Policy’

Former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson took to Twitter on Sunday to slam Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for a campaign she believes is focused on platitudes rather than substance, Breitbart reported. In particular, the self-help author suggested that Biden’s Democratic National Convention speech possessed similarities to the title of her book, The Politics of Love.

“I appreciate you used my book title, but you need to actually read the book,” she tweeted. “Your campaign is everything people said that I was but I actually wasn’t: platitudes but no substance and no policy. Enough with talk about hope and love: show us the policies that provide it!”

Not long after, Williamson again touched on Biden’s campaign, which she supports, and what she believes it must do to be competitive against Donald Trump in November.

“The Biden campaign seems to think they need to act all gentle and nice during the campaign, then once they’re in office they can get tough. But @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris you’ll never get into office unless you get tough right now! Get fierce or it’s all over.”

As reported by Breitbart, Williamson previously slammed the Democratic National Convention for what she perceived as empty gestures toward people of color and the Black Lives Matter Movement without policy proposals to address systemic racism.

“No policy, period,” she tweeted before noting that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was the only exception.

Williamson endorsed Sanders during the Democratic presidential primary and shared multiple policy positions with the lawmaker, including support for battling economic inequality, student loan forgiveness, and the Green New Deal. She also backed the politician during his first bid for the Democratic nomination in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, which he ultimately lost.

Although Williamson is now supporting Biden, the self-help guru appears to have retained her tendency to publicly criticize the Democratic Party. As reported by The Hill, the author previously slammed former candidates Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar for dropping out of the race to endorse Biden.

Notably, the author suggested that Buttigieg and Klobuchar struck a deal that included their exit from the race and endorsement of the former vice president.

As The Inquisitr reported, Williamson, who has claimed the two-party system is corrupt, previously argued that there was a coordinated effort to smear her campaign while she was traveling the country. She also surprised some when she said that the conservatives she had interacted with on the campaign trail showed her more respect than liberals.

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