YouTube star Saffron Barker recently took to Instagram to pose in an outfit taken from her new clothing line with In The Style, which launched over the weekend. The former Strictly Come Dancing contestant has been sharing numerous photos of herself in outfits from the line and didn’t disappoint with her most recent upload.
The 19-year-old stunned in a loose-fitted cream-colored hoodie with a pocket at the front. She paired the ensemble with bright yellow shorts that fell way above her knees and displayed her legs. Barker went barefoot for the occasion and kept her nails short. She opted for a coat of black nail polish and accessorized herself with a couple of rings. Barker clipped back some of her blond wavy hair and left the rest down. For her makeup application, she appeared to have put on a glossy lip, black mascara, eyeliner, and contour.
In the image, Barker was captured on her knees on a bed with white sheets. She parted her legs and rested one arm beside her while raising the other. Barker looked to her right and displayed her side profile, showcasing her cheekbones and rocking a subtle smile.
For her caption, she told fans that her clothing collection had gone live on the In The Style app and that it would also be available on the brand’s website.
Barker didn’t add a geotag to her upload. However, she has been making videos at home with her family during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. It appears this snap was taken in her bedroom, as previous YouTube uploads display the same room decor.
In the span of 17 hours, her post racked up more than 68,300 likes and over 1,300 comments, proving to be popular with her 1.6 million followers.
“AHHHH SO PROUD,” one user wrote passionately in capital letters.
“Just placed an order :p I’m sure it won’t be the only order,” another devotee shared.
“I love the collection, it’s beautiful,” remarked a third fan.
“You are glowing, beautiful girl,” a fourth admirer commented, adding a heart emoji.
For Barker’s latest YouTube upload, she showed off the collection to her subscribers and informed them about how much each item costs.
The video content creator is no stranger to wowing her loyal social media audience. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Barker recently posed in a cream-colored bodysuit with long sleeves. She accessorized with a necklace featuring a heart pendant, two bracelets, and what looked to be a gold watch. She went barefoot and wore her blond hair wavy.