An effort to arm the teachers with guns in Florida schools is being debated on the Florida House floor.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Israel has been protecting its students with armed volunteers since the 1970s. While there are marked difference in the situation between Israel and the United States, various states and local governments have been considering laws to arm the teachers in protection of the students.
Texas already arms its teachers with concealed carry permits for guns as a solution to preventing school shootings like in Newtown, Connecticut . Lawmakers in a growing number of states — including Oklahoma, Missouri, Minnesota, South Dakota and Oregon — have said they will consider laws allowing teachers and school administrators to carry firearms at school. Even Texas governor Rick Perry gave approval to the arm the teachers idea .
House Representative Greg Steubesaid the Florida arm the teachers bill would increase security at elementary schools, which, unlike most middle and high schools in Florida, are not patrolled by police deputies working as school resource officers. The key difference is that the bill would allow principals to choose school teachers to carry concealed weapons on school grounds. Steube argues, “If you’re okay with a school resource officer…then you’re okay with this bill because they have to go through the exact same training.”
Before carrying guns at school, teachers would be required to complete at least 40 hours of training and receive re-certification annually. The cost for this training is about $249, but the bill does not specify who should pay those costs.
Juhan Mixon, executive director of Florida Association of School Administrators, surveyed some of the Florida principals and almost 78 percent of them opposed arming teachers. Wayne Blanton, executive director of Florida School Boards Association, says, “Teachers are role models for our students, and we think it just sends the wrong message as a role model to both students and to the community.”
What do you think about this Florida bill to arm the teachers?