Nicole Anthony made it to the final three on Big Brother Season 21 but was the second person evicted on All-Stars . It was quite the opposite experience for the fan-favorite, but she lost a lot of support from the BB Twitter fandom after she turned her back on Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha. The former All-Stars players are one of the most liked duos in the house as far as fans go, so once things went awry in Week 3, Nicole began getting slammed online.
After being put on the block by Memphis Garrett , Kaysar and Janelle campaigned hard for their friend and tried to keep her safe over David Alexander. Nicole knew this, but eventually, she was fed false information from Kevin Campbell and other houseguests, which caused her to become somewhat nasty to her allies, not believing anything they said. The evictee caught up with Entertainment Weekly after her departure to explain why things changed for her and why she’s so apologetic now.
“Initially, I was like, ‘Yeah, I’m working with them. Of course, they’d have my back. Why wouldn’t they?’ And as people come up to you in that house, and as people say to you, ‘They’re snakes. They set you up. They’re supposed to be best friends with Memphis, but you still got put up. They did it on purpose’ — you know, you only have what you’re being told and what you’re perceiving and what you’re thinking,” she commented.
She then said she began convincing herself that she was being set up because Janelle and Kaysar are such good players and she should have anticipated it all along. Right at the very end, she realized she was wrong and the duo really did have her back and feels she owes the pair her apologies for thinking she was their sacrifice.
Nicole believed Janelle and Kaysar thought they were going to be put on the block by Memphis so they offered her up to keep themselves safe. This couldn’t be further from the truth, and Janelle was eventually crying over the fact that she couldn’t keep the Long Island native safe. Nicole is currently not sure if she will go back and watch clips from her time in the house, and she said she will talk to her family first to get the gist of what went down during those two weeks. Nicole also noted she still hasn’t watched her season from last summer as its too anxiety-provoking.