Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 22.
As host Julie Chen would say, it’s official. Tyler Crispen has nominated two houseguests for eviction, and he has stuck to his guns by putting up Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha, according to Big Brother Daily on Twitter . As The Inquisitr previously reported, this looked to be the route Tyler was planning on taking, but some suspected he might put up a pawn in order to backdoor Janelle.
Now that the Safety Suite competition is over and Enzo Palumbo and Christmas Abbott are safe, it looks like either Janelle or Kaysar will definitely be going home. The pair will be competing in the upcoming Power of Veto (POV) competition, with the possibility of winning and pulling themselves off the block. This would leave the loser in danger as they struggle to campaign to their fellow roommates to keep them throughout the week.
With Tyler’s alliance controlling the vote, it’s almost impossible that Janelle and Kaysar come out of this unscathed. Someone in the house would have to flip and several minds would have to change in order to have a blindside on eviction night. Janelle is the true target this week, so it’s imperative she wins the POV tomorrow. Tyler has announced that he will put up Kevin Campbell as a pawn in the event one of his nominees is able to pull themselves down, but he’s considering others as well.
After putting up the famous duo on the block, Tyler admitted to Da’Vonne Rogers that all of his roommates started being weird around him by not coming up to the Head of Household (HOH) room.
“I have been up here by myself all day. Everyone is scared to death. No one wants to be seen with me right now. Everyone is still scared of Janelle and Kaysar. I put them on the block and no one wants to come and hang out,” he said surprised.
“I have never seen people treat the HoH like they have the plague,” Da’Vonne responded.
The behavior from the houseguests is quite odd since most of them were pushing him to pick the two-time All-Stars players. It appears as if they are scared that whoever stays through next Thursday might come after them if they were too close to Tyler.
It also looks like the houseguests are expecting a new twist to be introduced into the game now that the Safety Suite is over. Tyler suspects Janelle would likely be the recipient of the new twist’s benefits, so he feels she has to go this week. Da’Vonne and Tyler discussed the new twist possibly being decided on by audiences, who they know have a love for Janelle.