Clinical psychologist Alan D. Blotcky penned a Friday piece for Salon that spotlights the purported danger Donald Trump — who he called a “malignant narcissist who is also antisocial and sadistic” — poses to the country if he loses in November.
“Malignant narcissists develop a scorched-earth mentality when they are cornered or exposed or rebuffed,” the columnist wrote. “Trump will deliberately and purposefully try to hurt people and institutions if he goes down. He will strike out in narcissistic rage. He will not go down alone.”
The psychologist said Trump will not concede power to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and instead will do everything in his power to overturn the results of the election — from filing lawsuits and motions to shifting blame to others. As noted by Blotcky, Trump has already faced accusations of attempting to undermine democracy with his opposition to expansions of mail-in voting and pushback against funding for the United States Postal Service.
According to the columnist, another factor in Trump’s loss will be a call to action aimed at his fervent supporters.
“There could be riots in the streets. He will describe it as the ‘silent majority’ rising up in his behalf. He will clamor for a new election. He will get a sadistic rush from witnessing the turmoil and chaos that he alone creates.”
The doctor ended his piece by again pointing to the president’s alleged “severe and malignant psychopathology.” Blotcky warned that Trump’s desperation is growing increasingly dangerous, adding that as he “falls from grace,” America will continue to suffer.
Blotcky previously warned that Trump’s purported psychiatric issues could lead to the destruction of American democracy if he wins a second term. In particular, he claimed that the president is not interested in upholding the sacred nature of the branches of the United States government and will use his second term to undermine them for personal gain.
Many doctors have spoken out in alarm about Trump’s alleged psychological issues. As The Inquisitr reported, Harvard Medical School psychiatrist Lance Dodes said that Trump is a sociopath, which the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) said is defined by characteristics such as a lack of empathy, impulsivity, and no regard for the safety of oneself or others. Notably, Dodes’ comment came before the coronavirus pandemic and the criticism of the president’s handling of the crisis.
Critics of medical opinions of Trump point to the Goldwater Rule, which bars psychiatrists from making mental health assessments of public figures without meeting them.