Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by a wide range of percentage points in polls released Wednesday, but one area in which he trails behind the president is enthusiasm. In that regard, voters who support Trump are far more enthusiastic about their candidate than voters who support Biden.
According to the results of an Economist /YouGov poll released Wednesday, if the election were held today, Biden would win, with 50 percent of voters saying they’d cast their ballot for the former vice president. Forty percent said they would choose Trump and, among the remaining 10 percent, 4 percent intend to vote for another candidate, 4 percent aren’t sure, and 1 percent indicated they won’t be voting.
However, Trump leads when it comes to enthusiasm. Specifically, among the voting public at large, 24 percent of voters reported that they’re “enthusiastic” about Biden, while 25 percent said they’re “satisfied but not enthusiastic” about him. By comparison, 29 percent of voters are “enthusiastic” about Trump, while 13 percent are “satisfied but not enthusiastic.”
Similarly, Trump won in enthusiasm when it comes to voters who are already supporting one candidate or the other. Among voters who identify as conservative, 58 percent said they’re enthusiastic about Trump, while poll respondents who identified as liberal, 40 percent said they’re enthusiastic about Biden. Similarly, when it comes to party affiliation (as opposed to ideology), 71 percent of Republicans are enthusiastic about Trump, while only 50 percent of Democrats said they’re enthusiastic about Biden.
Trump also has an enthusiasm lead, albeit a slight one, when it comes to voters who identify as moderate, with 27 percent supporting the president and 25 percent supporting the former vice president.
Another way in which voters’ enthusiasm about their candidates can be measured, albeit indirectly, is whether or not they’re specifically voting for the candidate they support, or if they’re voting against the candidate they dislike.
And again, in this regard, Trump has the advantage, as 80 percent of voters who said they intend to vote for the 45th president said they’re voting for their candidate, while only 18 percent said they’re voting against his opponent. By comparison, among those who intend to pull the lever for Biden, only 41 percent said they’re actually voting for him, while 58 percent said they’re simply voting against Trump.
Meanwhile, two other polls released Wednesday show Biden with leads against Trump. As The Hill reported, a new Hill-HarrisX national survey had Biden leading Trump by 6 percentage points, 44 percent to 40 percent. A new Rasmussen poll also puts Biden’s lead at four points, 48 percent to Trump’s 44 percent.