The second Power of Veto (POV) competition has come and gone on Big Brother All-Stars . After Thursday night’s live eviction, Memphis Garrett was crowned the new Head of Household (HOH) of the summer. After pushing off discussions with his houseguests until the next morning, Memphis ultimately decided it was the best move to put up easy targets and not make a big move. He ended up nominating David Alexander and Nicole Anthony for eviction, in what supposedly was a very nasty nomination speech.
The POV comp took place two days later after the house had some time to calm down. Along with Memphis, Nicole, and David, also selected at random draw to play in the POV were Tyler Crispen, Ian Terry, and Nicole Franzel. According to Big Brother Daily on Twitter , Memphis won the coveted Veto medallion, putting him in complete control of his HOH week.
The Veto comp was originally thought to be the classic Big Brother spelling challenge based on conversations from the live feeds, but discussions, after the POV took place, proved it was something entirely different.
Nicole A. was spotted crying on the feeds for dropping right after the start of the game, knocking her out almost immediately. She noted how embarrassed she felt to Kevin Campbell, who told her to keep her head held high. Other roommates admitted she had no chance of winning due to the way the game was set up.
Janelle Pierzina began pursuing a backdoor plan to have Nicole F. booted from the house. The veteran threw the idea around to some of her alliance members, as well as Memphis. Nicole F. caught wind of this and feared she might be put up as a replacement nominee. Dani Briones kept reassuring Nicole F. that Memphis would not backdoor her and that she didn’t need to worry about the rest of the week.
Janelle and Kaysar Ridha are still adamant that Nicole F. be the next houseguest to go home, whether they can convince Memphis to do it this week or if one of them can grab the third HOH on Thursday and get her out shortly after.
For now the roommates seem pretty split on which nominee should go home in the event the nominations stay the same. Janelle and Kaysar are pushing for Nicole A. to stay, while Cody Calafiore and Tyler are both trying to pull votes for David. Bayleigh Dayton and Da’Vonne Rogers are still struggling to find out which side of the house they want to align with and aren’t sure who to keep come Thursday.
The Veto meeting will take place later Sunday night and will play out on Wednesday’s episode.