Julie Chen has been hosting Big Brother since it debuted 22 seasons ago. She has seen just about everything when it comes to this game and is an expert on analyzing gameplay among the competing houseguests. Each week of a season, Julie catches up with Entertainment Weekly to discuss the players, alliances, and all the juicy gossip, and she has some thoughts so far in regards to Week 1 of All-Stars .
When asked about how Cody Calafiore is doing in the game — after the interviewer mentioned he made way too many alliances and deals to count — Julie admitted this is just normal for the very early stages of a Big Brother season.
“I think it’s okay for now. We always see a million alliances form the first week and they shift, change, dissolve, resurrect, disband… You name it, we’ve seen it. He’s fine right now. But he’s going to have to make a real choice soon, before people really start to think he’s…going to be a thousand percent loyal.”
Cody isn’t the only one with too many deals . Tyler Crispen has also been handing out final twos like they’re going out of style. This was his strategy on BB20, which got him all the way to the end before he lost to his ride-or-die Kaycee Clark. As the weeks tick by, the two men are going to have to choose a side of the house and drop some roommates they originally promised they’d be loyal to.
Julie also dissected why Keesha Smith and Kevin Campbell were put on the block first and why they had such a hard time connecting with their fellow players. The host noted that Keesha didn’t keep up with the show after she competed on BB10 12 years ago, which could have hampered her knowledge of how the game progressed with the younger players. Kevin, Julie feels, paid too much attention to the show and is a super-fan, which made him too intimidated to form real connections in the first seven days.
“One watched the show too little after leaving the house; the other watched it too much, and in both cases that harmed them in this ‘All-Stars’ season. Expect the unexpected?”
Keesha’s boot was definitely unexpected as she was one of the biggest fan-favorites going into All-Stars 2 . She was also well-liked among the entire cast, but it seemed like she wasn’t trying hard to play, and that ended up costing her a place in the house. Kevin continues to struggle with forming bonds, which might just see him out the door in the coming weeks.