Michelle Lewin showed off her rock-hard backside and well-defined back muscles in a workout video posted on Saturday, showing her 13.6 million followers how they can work toward an incredible physique.
The fitness model shared a video — which can be seen here — of her back routine, displaying a number of exercises along with some tips for her followers on how to pull them off. Lewin showed herself going through a series of four different back-strengthening weight routines and gave details for how many reps and sets to do of each. The clip appeared to have been recorded in a home gym, with different angles and slow-motion shots that detailed each exercise while showing the model’s rock-hard arms and back.
In the comments section that accompanied the clip, Lewin also offered some insight about the importance of keeping the lower back strong, noting that it is a key area for activating other muscles and a potential sore spot if it is not properly trained.
“Lower back is very involved in every standing and sitting exercise. It’s when you are lying down, face up, with your abs flexed where the lower back will get some rest. And only then,” she wrote. “Every wonder why so many people have lower back issues? Maybe now it makes better sense?”
She added that it is important to give the lower back some rest so the muscles don’t get “destroyed” from overuse. Lewin wrote that it’s also helpful to wear a workout belt like the one she used while going through the circuit, an accessory that can help prevent injuries and pain down the road.
“But it WILL for sure help you prevent injuries and over training, which leads to irritating pain / lack of sleep / bad mood,” she shared. “That’s kinda why I’m being annoying about it.”
The video generated some viral attention from Lewin’s fans, racking up close to 30,000 likes and plenty of supportive comments. Some said the clip was an inspiration for them to hit the gym and give the back routine a try, while others said it was Lewin’s own fantastic physique that provided their motivation. Many commented on her backside that was on full display in a pair of tiny workout shorts, praising the Venezuelan beauty who has settled in Miami for her fitness and modeling career.
“How can I have this body?” one person wrote in the comments section.
“Wow muscle and Beauty,” another user added.