The latest episode of One Piece anime, which is titled “Get the Hang of It! The Land of Wano’s Haki – Ryuo!,” featured the continuation of the conversation between Kozuki Hiyori and Straw Hat Pirates vice-captain Roronoa Zoro. It also revealed the names of the three remaining members of the Akazaya Nine, a group of samurai who vowed to avenge the late Lord Kozuki Oden.
Hiyori, who was initially introduced as Komurasaki, the most beautiful courtesan in the Land of Wano, revealed that she’s the little sister of Kozuki Momonosuke . Zoro was shocked to hear her revelations. At first, he was hesitant to believe that she’s telling the truth, but he ended up trusting her after hearing her story.
After confirming that Zoro is their ally, Hiyori continued talking about her past, starting from the time that she was separated from her older brother. She told him that the main reason why she didn’t travel with Momonosuke into the future was that, in case one of them dies, the Kozuki bloodline would continue.
While her brother traveled through time with the help of her mother, Kozuki Toki, Hiyori was left in the Land of Wano under the care of Kawamatsu the Kappa, one of the members of the Akazaya Nine. Hiyori asked Pirate Hunter if he knew the whereabouts of all the loyal retainers of his father. Pirate Hunter admitted that out of the nine samurai, he has only met six of them, including Kinemon, Kanjuro, Raizo, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, and Kiku.
Hiyori said that aside from Kawamatsu the Kappa, the two remaining members of the Akazaya Nine were Denjiro and Ashura Doji. In One Piece anime, there is only limited information about Denjiro and Ashura Doji. However, in the manga, they have already reunited with their comrades and engaged in an all-out war against Emperor Kaido.
When Lord Oden died, Ashura Doji returned from being a criminal and used the name Shutenmaru, who is known as the leader of the Atamayama Thieves Brigade. While waiting for the return of Momonosuke, Denjiro also changed his identity, as well as his appearance. In One Piece anime, he was introduced as Kyoshiro, a yakuza boss in the Flower Capital and one of the closest allies of Shogun Orochi. Though he was initially featured as the man who killed Komurasaki, it turned out that he really saved Hiyori from the hands of their cruel ruler.