One of the biggest controversies surrounding this season of Big Brother All-Stars is the alleged pre-gaming that went down before filming began this week. As The Inquisitr previously reported, rumors suggested that Nicole Franzel ratted out Derrick Levessaur and Dan Gheesling to production, saying that they began forming an alliance before the game started. The gossip took the Big Brother fandom on Twitter by storm, with many dubbing the former winner “Ratcole” once more. Some claimed she stirred up the drama in an effort to get herself on the cast, since she allegedly wasn’t on the first roster.
Janelle Pierzina seemed to confirm that Nicole had ratted out some of these former players by saying Dan told her that Nicole had complained to producers about their pre-gaming. On today’s live feeds, Nicole spoke with Tyler Crispen about rumors involving her, but something about the conversation seemed off to dedicated fans.
“They were already talking about how I’m ruining this season cause I begged to be on. Are you kidding me? Do you really think I’m not an All-Star? I was the first female to beat a dude. You think I have to cry my way on?” Nicole said, according to @BB_Updates in a tweet seen here .
“The rumor was that Paul [Abrahamian] called me to be in an alliance, then I cried and found out about it. There is no truth to that,” she continued.
This was the first comment that had some live feeds viewers scratching their heads. It was hardly the rumor that was spreading before the game started, and Paul wasn’t involved in any of the gossip regarding Nicole.
“One person is in here that started the rumor. One is here and one is on the outside. I know it. They don’t know I know it,” Nicole continued.
The former winner then admitted that Janelle was the person who ignited the rumor, as well as Big Brother legend Dick Donato. Nicole went on to say that the rumors hurt her feelings a lot, and she assumes Janelle knows that she knows about the allegations.
The major thing that isn’t sitting right with some of the Big Brother fandom is the timing of said rumor. It only began on Twitter two weeks ago, when the cast of All-Stars was supposed to be in sequester. Every year the stars of the show are quarantined for two weeks without their cell phones, computers, and any internet access before entering the house, so how Nicole knew this rumor was spreading is questionable. If she was sequestered, she would have had no knowledge of the rumor whatsoever.