American University history professor Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted every election since 1984 and believes Joe Biden is on track to win in November, said on Saturday that Donald Trump only has two paths to victory. As reported by Raw Story , Lichtman outlined the two scenarios for CNN’s Michael Smerconish after acknowledging that the majority of the “keys” to winning the election are working against Trump.
“One is voter suppression,” the author said.
The historian claimed that Trump relies on votes from the older white demographic, which he says is the “most shrinking part of the electorate.” To combat this weakness, the author claims that Trump will attempt to prevent key Democratic-leaning demographics from making it to the ballot box.
“But you can try to make it hard for the rising Democratic base of minorities and young people. We heard your earlier speaker [Trump campaign official Hogan Gidley], who is sowing fear and confusion. But, Michael, he never answered your question about what the Trump administration is doing, if anything, to make this a full and fair vote.”
The second scenario involves Russian intervention. The historian claimed that the Kremlin might attempt to influence voter registration rolls and speculated that Trump would welcome any form of help from the superpower.
“So the keys are set. We live in such an uncertain world. There’s an old Chinese saying, some call it a curse: ‘May you live in interesting times,’” he concluded.
In a piece for Rolling Stone , Andy Kroll argued that Trump and the Republican Party are indeed attempting to suppress voter turnout by attacking mail-in voting, which they have suggested will lead to fraud and compromise the results of the November election.
As for Russian interference, CNN reported that U.S. intelligence officials are claiming that Russia is engaging in a disinformation campaign that is designed to undermine Biden. However, Republicans have pushed back on the suggestion that the purported interference efforts are designed to help Biden and believe it’s a broader attempt to sow chaos.
William Evanina, the intelligence community’s top election security official, also claimed that China is attempting to influence the election and would prefer Trump to lose.
As The Inquisitr reported, FiveThirtyEight analyst Nate Silver previously cautioned against taking Lichtman’s word on election predictions. Nevertheless, the historian was one of the few people who correctly predicted Trump’s win in 2016, which came as a shock after many polls suggested that Hillary Clinton would take the White House.