Bully Ray — who WWE fans know as former superstar and Hall of Famer Bubba Ray Dudley — discussed his issues with the way in which Kairi Sane left the company on the latest edition of Busted Open Radio, as quoted by Sportskeeda .
Sane, who left WWE on the latest episode of Monday Night Raw , sent out a tweet thanking the company following a storyline segment on the show. According to the Hall of Famer, this was the wrong way to go about things.
“Sending out that tweet three minutes after the segment ended was atrocious. Anything that WWE and those women tried to build up for that moment, is now completely thrown out the window. Wrestlers thanking each other on social media, and what we saw from Kairi Sane last night, in my opinion, has absolutely no business in there. Now, who knows Kairi Sane might be down with wrestling and she might not care anymore. You’d think that she did give a d**n about all those women.”
Ray was unhappy because Sane didn’t sell the storyline, which saw her on the receiving end of a beatdown courtesy of Sasha Banks and Bayley. The legendary performer said he believes that the segment is now ruined for Sane’s attackers, as her social media activity effectively n0-sold her injuries. This could mean that Banks and Bayley don’t receive any major heat from fans.
The storyline also resulted in Asuka losing her title to help her partner. Sane’s injury was presented as serious on television, and Ray clearly wanted to see the former star sell the injury more before she paid her respects to the promotion.
Ray started wrestling in an era that predated social media, in which wrestlers were often instructed to always remain in character while they were in the public eye. These days, however, it’s well-known that performers are different people outside of the ring.
While he singled out the Japanese performer in this instance, Ray’s remarks also appeared to address a trend he doesn’t like in modern wrestling. Platforms such as Twitter often remove the kayfabe element of the business.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, Sane is returning to Japan to be with her husband. It is unknown if she’s officially hung up her boots, but her days with the promotion are over with for now. There have been reports of her becoming an ambassador for the company, especially if an NXT offshoot is launched in Japan.